Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Laser Hair Therapy: Phase 1 Week 2

I have to be perfectly honest ......

I suck at taking my nutritional supplements everyday and using the Minoxidil . The nutritional supplements are supposed to be taken twice a day with food. Because I have irregular eating habits I tend to forget. And I should mention that I really don't like taking pills, I forget to take them or push it off till later. 

I am a little better with the  Minoxidil. That's supposed to be applied to the scalp twice a day (morning and night). Life as a hairstylist is like that song by Marsha Ambrosius "Late Nights and Early Mornings"....I'm beat when I get in the house, I dive head first into my pillow and snooze the shit out of my alarm in the I forget about the Minoxidil. 

But I did do my laser treatments this week and I shampooed my hair with the products once this week (not twice as recommenced)

I will do better for week 3 with my home products. If anybody has suggestions on being more diligent with taking my nutritional supplements please share below or on my facebook page The C.Wright Beauty Experience 

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