Thursday, August 22, 2013

Old School Wig 4 Lady B's Basement Party Live 3 Concert Pt1

I made a wig to wear to this Old School Concert....I'm Gonna be "FUNKY FRESH"!

Basement Party Live 3 Hosted by Lady B Aug 25th | Hot 107.9 Philly

Check out my process.

Supplies used

A custom wig template was used to make this wig for a perfect fit.I use this to build wigs for myself and my clients. I can build custom wigs without my client present when I'm in the mood (which is usually in the middle of the night) because I have their exact measurement. The wig is ready to be cut and styled when they arrive which saves them time and saves me aggravation

List of Tools:
Velvet cork head
Black nylon cap
Quilters pin- preferred over T-pins  
Nail nippers for cutting wefts and thread-I never multitask my shears. I have shears for cutting real growing hair, a different set for human hair wigs and extensions, and another set for synthetic hair fibers. 
Black bonding glue
Pump it Up Spritz- used to adhere bonding glue quickly.

Old school human hair

Used old school Yaki human hair for this wig. I loved how thick one pack of hair used to be. One pack of hair could be split with a straight blade into two full packs of hair. But the hair companies got hip to the game...started charging more money for less hair.

Brands used are ModelModel, Zury and Harlem
14'' piano streaked human hair layed in the back. 27 piece human hair on the left side for a taper look
All of the hair is layed . Ready to be sectioned to map out the style
Sectioning for back of wig
Section for left side
Front view sectioned off
Right side of wig sectioned for cutting
Stacks and Angles!

Hard lines and Bold color brings this 90's style wig to life

Stack curls AND Waterfalls ......Yasssssssssssss!!!!!!!

Now I need to get my outfit together!!
The Full look revealed in part 2 of this post
Stay Tuned

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