Monday, October 28, 2013

Laser Hair Therapy Phase1:Wk1

Here is some background information on me. 

Name: Chinere Wright

Age: 32

 African American Female 

My hair loss history:


These are my areas of concern. 

1. Left Side Hairline and Temple
2. Right Side Hairline and Temple
3. Center Crown
4. Front View

Sitting with my feet up ,listening to soft
 music . Stress free- Cell phone free zone

This is my first treatment. I slept for the 30 minute session. My head was dipping like a babble- head doll. Very relaxing.

MaryAnn is setting the 30 min time
on the machine for the session

I can not see anything with the eye wear on.
You can see the Laser Lights in this pic

I could feel when the machine was on and I could feel when the machine went off. It did not burn, feel warm or sting but I could feel activity in my scalp which was the blood circulating. 

I will start using the products next week.

If you don't want to miss an update make sure you subscribe and follow. Please post any questions that you may have and I'll be glad to answer them for you. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Laser Hair Therapy EXPLAINED

Laser Treatment for Hair Loss

A relatively new addition to the tools that some trichologists use to combat hair loss is laser treatment. Here are some facts about this effective method. 

Low Level Laser therapy as a Medical Treatment

Low-level laser light therapy (LLLLT) is a form of physical medicine. Physical medicine uses stimulation therapy to activate the body's natural defense mechanisms, ie. through bio-stimulation. 

What is Laser "Radiation"?

The name LASER is short for Light Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation. Laser light and devices are sometimes referred to as laser emitting, laser producing, laser radiation, etc. This terminology is confusing. There is NO radiation in the sense we normally refer to as radiation. Lasers produce light highin energy, nothing else (even sunlight is a type of radiation). No radioactivity or dangerous energy is produced. Radiation with laser does not imply that your head will get fried! The last light is used as a 'cold light'.

Is Laser Hair Care Safe?

The type of lasers used by trichologists is non-surgical therapeutic lasers. Some trichologists use the most powerful laser that is safe for cosmetic purposes (and which complies with international laser safety standards). Laser Hair Care is approved for cosmetic use in the EEC and US as a Certified Class 3A laser by the Food and Drug Administration, which has the most rigid standards in the world and fully complies with Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. the energy produced by the photons does not have the thermal componet that causes injuries to users or operators. Laser light energy does not alter molecular structures, it stimulates the body's mechanism to repair and heal itself.

Benefits of Laser Therapy

  • Increases scalp blood flow and follicle microcirculation by 20% to 30%. 
  • Increases nutrient supply to enhance hair growth
  • Stimulates and accelerates hair growth.
  • Reduces excess levels of skin 5-alpha reductase and dihydrotestestosterone (DHT), the hormones that contribute to genetic thinning.
  • Relieves scalp conditions such as psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, itchy/scaling scalp due to the laser's anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Reduces excessive sebum production in cases of over activity/scalp greasiness, thus reducing pore clogging and preventing enlarged sebaceous gland formation.
  • Reduces tight, tender scalp.
  • An effective adjunct therapy for pre- and post- hair transplantation procedures. 

Examples of Laser Hair Therapy Machines

My Laser Hair Therapy Treatment Program Journey

Program Outline

Phase 1: One (1) 30 minute laser treatment twice a week  for (12)weeks. Treatments are scheduled at least 48 hrs apart. I will be taking a hair growth system of products in conjunction with the laser Hair Therapy.

Cleansing Treatment
Treatment Shampoo
Conditioning Treatment
Nutritional Supplements

Phase 2: One (1) 30 minute laser treatment once a week for (24) weeks. Along with the hair growth system products listed above except for the Cleansing Treatment.

Phase 3: Two (2) 30 minute laser treatments once a month for 3months.With the same hair growth system products from phase 2.

Phase 4: Maintenance- One (1)30 minute laser treatment once per month, as needed. Along with the hair growth system products from phase 2&3

Female pattern baldness and thinning runs in my family very heavily. My mother, my aunts on my mother's side and even my 2 year old niece has the same hairline pattern. With my being a hair stylist I've done a lot of things to my hair that I would never do for my clients and would scold them for. Relaxing & coloring to frequently, weaving and wearing wigs over the years has contributed to my thinning hairline and crown.

I am going though the same program as my clients. This is a huge commitment for me because I will not be able to wear weaves  during this process...Wigs it is lol....Well, Falls and half wigs (no tension to the hairline.

I will be extremely candid and honest during this process every step of the way. Tones of pictures, videos and reviews.

Follow me though my hair growth journey for healthier, fuller hair.
I work as a wig designer and hair replacement specialist at Maryanne Studios. Located in Wayne, Pa on 205 W. Lancaster Av. (610)687-5700. I will get my laser hair therapy treatments in between my clients. (Wish me luck).

Friday, October 18, 2013

Wig Word Of The Day: Synthetic Hair

Synthetic Hair:

Plastic fibers that are made to resemble hair. It is the cheapest and most versatile material that wigs are made of. Some other names for synthetic wig fibers include modacrylic, kanekelon, and elura.

Synthetic hair is NOT heat resistant. Curling irons and any other heat styling tools should Not be used. And try to stay clear of the oven while baking cause your bangs will singe if you stick your head in to

Follow and Subscribe to catch the next Wig Word of the Day

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beauty Launchpad's 5th Annual Halloween Hairstyles Contest Submission

I don't know why but I never submit photos for contest or magazines. Most of the time I find out about the submission deadline to late or I talk myself out of it because I don't think my images are good enough. 

Well, I have decided to change and put myself out there.Lay it all out, no matter how uncomfortable it feels. Be judged for my work, take the critics and the praise and apply it all. I have tones of images and video that I've done nothing with because of fear.

Guess What...?!! the bullshit stops here. ...I have been holding myself back in my career. The reason I have NOT made it to the next level is me. 

No more doubting my self or my Work, No more procrastination, No more being shy ...Just NO MORE!!

I taking the first step by entering this Beauty Launchpad Halloween Hairstyle Photo Contest. Normally I would have brushed it off and not entered the contest because you have to get friends and family to vote in order to win. I don't know a ton of people or have a lot of friends and family.....soooo the sheer embarrassment of receiving a handful of votes would usually be a huge deterrent for me.

But here I go.......... Futuristic Medusa

Hair- Makeup- Wardrobe by Chinere Wright
Photography Vikrant Tunious
Model Joeline 
Hand- made hair piece that incorporates braided hair extensions in-bedded with wire and individually wrapped with yarn on a french lace base.

Vote for Futuristic Medusa now by clicking right here

Thank you for your help and support . 
Don't forget to Subscribe, Like , Share & Comment!!!!!!!

(Post on how I made this hair piece coming soon)


Tuesday, October 15, 2013